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[NOTICE] 2024 Public-Private Partnership for Post Adoption Service

  • Registration date 2024.01.15

[Notification: 2024 Public-Private Partnership for Post Adoption Service]

○ Application duration: 2024. 1. 15.(Mon) ~ 2.12.(Mon)

○ Program division: Support for ACA(Adoptee Citizenship Act), Empowerment of Overseas adoptees, Psychological· emotional suppor, Increase understanding of your motherland

○ How to apply: Fill out the attached file and submit it to overseas missions. Then, overseas missions evaluate the program and total files will submit to NCRC, finally completed.

*Official documents through overseas missions must submit the NCRC by Feb.12

Therefore, it is recommended that each institution complete and submit to overseas missions the documentation in the program plan and file by Feb 2nd.

○ Submission documents: Application Form, Organization Status, Program Plan, Budget Plan, etc.

○ Selection method: Document review (by the review committe)

○ Inquiries: Adoption Services Center

Lee Yun-Mi(Manager), 02-6454-8699, lym@ncrc.or.kr,

*Please check attached files.