Assist Children Aging out of Care to Be Independent
We work to support children placed in child welfare facilities or foster homes to become self-reliant as a preparation for the termination of protection.
Tailored Support for Vulnerable Group of Children
Provide tailored support to children living in child care facilities and group homes with borderline intelligence, in the areas of cognitive learning, emotional needs, socialization, self-reliance, and educate and manage involved instructors
Arrange a professional therapy program for children living in child welfare facilities and group homes with emotional and behavioral difficulties
Educate looked-after children aged above 15 and those who are subject to leave care, in the areas of residence, living, economy and finance, and career planning
Asset Formation Support
Ensure residential stability of looked-after children subject to leave care by reducing economic burden and providing tailored support to case management
Support children aging out of care to be financially independent by creating seed money through Didim Seed Account or commonly known as Child Development Account * It is a matching fund that the government (or local governments) deposits about 100,000 Korean won into a child’s account once his/her sponsor or a guardian makes a deposit.
Appoint and educate children who aged out of care within 5 years to act as mentors of children plan to leave care, and support their regional meetings
Policy Support
Inform new programs to child welfare workers exclusively dealing with their self-reliance, instructors, heads of facilities; provide guidelines (e.g., counselling,case management, resource linkage program) and offer therapy programs in responds to possible burnout
Create a survey on looked-after children and those who aged out of care, conduct a research on proposing policy advice, develop and disseminate a work-manual on supporting self-reliance of a child, a handbook on the information of self-reliance and a statistical report
Support the operation of the Council for Promotion of Support for Children's Self-Reliance and related meetings, promote the importance of supporting self-reliance of children aging out of care through a diverse channels of media