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Division of Planning for Alternative Care


Division of Planning for Alternative Care

Support the Adoption Policy Improvements and Post-adoption Services for Domestic Adoption

Improve adoption policies to serve the best interest of the child and provide post-adoption services for adoptive families to guarantee the wellbeing and rights of adopted children

Adoption Policy Support and Investigative Research Projects

    • Investigation and research related to adoption
    • Support the revision of Adoption Practice Manuals
    • Support the legislation and amendment of laws related to adoption
    • Operating and managing the ACMS(Adoption Centralized Management System)
    • Dealing with matters related to international treaties regarding adoption, including preparations for the implementation of the Hague Convention on Protection of Children

Education Projects Related to Adoption

    • Education for social workers at adoption agencies
    • Education to improve people's awareness about adoption

Post-adoption Services for Domestic Adoptive Families

    • Psychological and emotional support for domestic adoptive families
    • Integrated services for domestic adoptive families
    • Self-help groups for domestic adoptive families

    • Encourage and Promote Foster Care across Korea

      We work to ensure that child in need of protection is placed in a foster home for a specific period of time, which meets a set of qualifications stated in the Child Welfare Act such as having no records of sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and mental disease.

      Foster Care Policy Development and Research

      • Expand the foster care system for child who needs protection, improve legislations and policies to enhance the rights of the looked-after child, conduct a research, and build a database
        • Improve legislations and policies related to foster care
        • Operate a foster care policy group involving concerned individuals (foster parents, child to be placed, etc.)
        • Conduct a survey on the status of foster care and a research on making improvements
        • Provide legal support to a guardian of a looked-after child

      Foster Home Supporting Center

      • Support the Center to enhance its capacity to ensure safe growth of child in foster care and provide quality services
        • Provide capacity-building courses to individuals working for the Center
        • Conduct an evaluation on the Center
        • Organize a meeting and workshop for the heads of the Centers

      Support for Child in Foster Care

      • Recruit foster parents by increasing public awareness, share burden of care and provide a range of services to enable a child to return to his/her original family
        • Promote the foster care system
        • Operate an advisory committee on specialized foster home care
        • Offer education courses to foster parents
        • Provide benefits (e.g., initial financial support to buy children’s goods) to reduce the burden of foster parents