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Child Rights Advocacy


Child Rights Advocacy

Build a Society that Acknowledges Children’s Rights

We work to enhance children’s rights through education and public campaigns, and build a society that acknowledges children as active agents of their own rights.

UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UN CRC)

  • Support implementation of the UN CRC to uphold child’s rights and increase presence of the NCRC in the international community
    • Support preparing for a periodic report on the implementation of the UN CRC
    • Operate a Task Force to monitor effective deliberation of the UN CRC
    • Create networks with partners at home and abroad


The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted unanimously in November 1989. It is an international human rights treaty that stipulates children’s rights under the four core principles of non-discrimination, devotion to the best interests of the child, the right to life, survival and development, and respect for the views of the child.

This human rights treaty has been ratified by the greatest number of nations (196) in the UN’s history. The Republic of Korea joined the treaty in 1991.

Children’s Right to be heard

  • Prioritize opinions of children in formulating policies and programs
    • Operate a policy advisory committee consists of children
    • Hold the Children’s General Assembly of the Republic of Korea
    • Promote children’s participation in both online and offline settings to reflect their voices in policies and programs

Advocacy and Awareness-Raising of Children’s Rights

  • Ensure that all children can fully enjoy their rights in daily life
    • Advocate children’s rights in relation to the digital environment
    • Provide Child Rights Training Programs to children and person responsible for the care of a child
    • Support regional communities to promote the right to play